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With Halloween right around the corner, parents may be looking for safe, at-home Halloween activities for their kids to do. Luckily, there are plenty of fun and traditional options for the entire family to participate in. Let’s take a look into them.
Painting or Carving Pumpkins
One of the most traditional Halloween activities includes picking up a pumpkin and carving it. You can also paint the pumpkin if you have very young children that aren’t ready to carve. To make the entire process easy (and convenient) pick up a kid-safe pumpkin carving kit or pumpkin painting kit.

Spooky Scavenger Hunt
In case trick-or-treating is not on your plans this year, a spooky scavenger hunt inside or in your yard can still bring the excitement. Make a map, leave clues, and create a sensory table with fake worms made of spaghetti noodles. The possibilities are endless and it lets children use their imagination.
This year, I plan to decorate my patio with Halloween decorations and create a map that leads my little ones to fun party favors, a spooky sensory table and treats!

Halloween Podcast
A podcast is another great Halloween activity that children can enjoy this month! Just be cautious of the age range so that they aren’t too scary for the young ones.

One of our favorite podcasts to listen to is Little Stories for Tiny People. It’s created for ages 2-6 and my boys really enjoy them. One story in particular is Little Rabbit’s Halloween that talks about dressing up for Halloween. Zebra and Donkey’s Halloween, is a silly story about mistaken identities, bad jokes, and sweet friendship.

Whether your carving pumpkins, creating an at-home adventure, or listening to a podcast, the festivities of Halloween can still be enjoyable. What at-home Halloween activities will you be trying this year?
at home halloween activities for kids safe at home halloween activities for kids safe halloween activities safe halloween activities for kids safe halloween activities for small children things to do for halloween with small children